Spring is a great time of year, a time we want to be outside.
You may have been doing your best following online videos or an APP. Although those devices may have some really high quality idaes and instruction there are just some things you can't get without having a well trained coach there with you guiding you through a program designed for you and giving you that strong "nudge" when you need it.
Aerobic Power is offering 1 on 1 coaching to help you get the most out of your strength training. Sessions will incorporate TRX, Medicine Balls, and Bands. These one hour outdoor sessions will guide you through a warm up, mobility component, strength component and a metabolic booster to finish the hour. Included will be a phone consult prior to our first training session to ensure the program is designed specifically for you.
Workouts maybe structured to accommodate training with a friend.
Contact kevin@aerobicpower.com