Coming off of the holidays its time to re focus the mind onto your 2023 goals and the work that needs to be done, or maybe you wait til January and then sit down and map out your spring, summer and fall adventures.
Either way Aerobic Power would love to help you achieve some next level accomplishments or guide you to some race PR's. We have many options and some last chance deals to go along with them.
Training Options
We offer individualized online plans for running, cycling and triathlons. We will take the time to discuss your goals, listen to your needs and build your training around your own schedule and commitments outside of your training.
Run Training Plans: Last Minute Specials
1/2 Marathon & 10 km Training Plan Special
Register for our 16 week online Coached Run Program for 177+gst.
A SAVINGS of $60.00!
Must start program no later then March 1,2023
To Register email:
Marathon Training Plan Special
LAST CHANCE: 2 Spots Left We will help you get to the start line healthy, and confident so that you can hit those personal performance targets. Register for a 20 week online Marathon Program for 236+gst.
A SAVINGS of $80.00!
Must start program no later then Feb 1,2023
To Register email:
Cycling Camps
The weekend is designed for beginner to intermediate riders, who want to get more comfortable riding in a group, or handling different aspects of varying terrain found out on the road. Ride groups will be divided into ability levels to ensure all riders are comfortable and enjoy every kilometre of their ride. Ride distances will range from 50km to 90km The camp will be instructed by professional coaches with 20 years of coaching experience.
Rain Out Weekend- May 13-14 ,2023
$199 plus gst.
To Register email:
In beautiful Jasper Alberta. This camp will offer two main objectives. For the novice groups you will develop the skills to perform group rides safely, learn to descend with confidence, cornering, braking and shifting gears to optimize your efficiency riding all the while developing a new level of fitness to take on your summer riding goals. Our experienced groups will review all the essential skills in group riding/racing, learn how to attack descents with more speed and push your fitness limits with a challenging weekend of riding at altitude.
To Register email:
Aerobic Bike Kits
We will be opening our store February 1, 2023.

Trials and Tribulations of Coach Kevin
I continue to search out new experiences in part to be able to better provide helpful insight to our athletes through improving my knowledge, and forever adding to my athletic experiences. Last year it was to dive back into the hectic schedule or training for triathlons and giving the Ironman another go 10 years after my last one. It was a great season and I learned, or remembered many great lessons from the experiences in 2022. This year's grand experience will be the Boston Marathon. I have hopefully started off well with 2 big months of running in November and December with some run challenges in November and our big Christmas toy Drive in December. As we get into the final 3 months of preparation I'm excited to utilize some new ideas taken from readings of such amazing run coaches. So far it's been fun to incorporate some new tweak to programming forcing me to push me away from comfort for myself and re examine various programming ideas I have for our athletes.