Hopefully moving towards the end of winter we begin to have a clearer visual on our upcoming goals. At times they seemed so far away and challenged our commitment to the training over the long dark winter. Now they approach quickly, and we are thankful that we handled those challenges through the winter as well as we did. As a result, confidence will be high as you look to take on those early spring races or feel great about the strong foundation that has been built to now add layers to strengthen yourself further in preparation for the summer time goals.
Cycling Camps
The weekend is designed for beginner to intermediate riders, who want to get more comfortable riding in a group, or handling different aspects of varying terrain found out on the road. Ride groups will be divided into ability levels to ensure all riders are comfortable and enjoy every kilometre of their ride. Ride distances will range from 50km to 90km The camp will be instructed by professional coaches with 20 years of coaching experience.
Rain Out Weekend- May 13-14 ,2023
$199 plus gst. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (10%) BEFORE MARCH 15
To Register email: kevin@aerobicpower.com
In beautiful Jasper Alberta. This camp will offer two main objectives. For the novice groups you will develop the skills to perform group rides safely, learn to descend with confidence, cornering, braking and shifting gears to optimize your efficiency riding all the while developing a new level of fitness to take on your summer riding goals. Our experienced groups will review all the essential skills in group riding/racing, learn how to attack descents with more speed and push your fitness limits with a challenging weekend of riding at altitude.
To Register email: kevin@aerobicpower.com

Aerobic Power Group Track Workouts
In a month we'll be starting our group track workouts!
Whether its part of a bigger training program or purely just for an organized, progressive approach to your run development our track workouts will be the stimulus your run training needs.
Our programming moves from athletes least specific work to their race specific work. Workouts will always be hard and challenging but each phase will have a different focus.
Athletes will perform specific run tests in order to better individualize each athletes workout sessions.
I completely expect athletes to have more then one event and events that may not be exactly on this general timeline, I’m there at every session always prepared with adjustments to best accommodate various race schedules
If you are a fitness enthusiast these workouts will help prepare you for any athletic event ranging from 20 minutes to 4 hours.
Start Thursday April 27,23 - First Day FREE! Come Test it Out!
Thursdays: 6 - 7:15 am, 1x/ week.
Workout Locations:
1: Scona High School Track: 10450 72 Ave NW
Utilized for key interval sessions where speed and or pace are the focus.
2: Mill Creek Ravine Trails:(Meet at Gym-(6740 99 Street Northwest)
LINK: https://goo.gl/maps/XwVSpB7HXLh6D2x18
We will make use of short loops on the trail as dictated by the design of the workout. This will make longer intervals and hill work much more productive and enjoyable while still maintaining the comfort and encouragement of fellow athletes in close proximity at all times.
Monthly Training Focus
Locations and General Workout Plans will be Sent out at Start of Each Month.
Intro to Proper Warm Ups/ Run Technique / Finding Your Speed.
Run Technique / Finding Your Speed.
Vo2 Work: 1mile to 5-10 km.
10 km / Lactate Threshold
Individual Distance Specific Programming
Group 1: 5k - 15km
Group 2: Half, Full and Ultra
Individual Distance Specific Programming
Group 1: 5k - 15km
Group 2: Half, Full and Ultra
Taper/Peak for Events
Track Only: $35 /mth + gst
Current Aerobic Power Athletes on Training Plans: No charge.
Email kevin@aerobicpower.com to register

Early Season Athlete Highlights

Brian Hrynkow 1/2 Marathon.
With a goal of 1:27 Brian finished with a 1:24:10 and a 3:27 PR. Also set a new 5km PB (18:34) in the last 5km of the race.
Getting Techy: Fartlek Runs
Fartlek is a Swedish word meaning “speed play”. In its earliest origins it was truly that, pick it up when you want to, for as long as you want to, and then rest but keep running, until you want to start the next one. Generally there are not any paces prescribed, just by how you feel. Nowadays, fartlek takes on many different forms, some as freestyle as when it was created and some with much more prescribed structure and objective outcomes.
Generally, I will use it in all my training blocks but its purpose changes depending on the block it’s in. Very, very early season it is implemented purely to kick start the legs as an athlete may be starting back into a program. There will be enough guidance so that the athlete doesn’t make the intervals too long. The rest intervals will be short enough to make sure they don’t run to fast as the biggest stipulation is that the pace has to be consistent through all the reps.
In the General Phase, fartlek pace will be described as Marathon to 1 Hr race efforts. Key word is efforts, not pacing. For one, it’s early season and two, if you can encourage these being done over undulating terrain it also becomes a fabulous strength training session for the runners. These also continue to help the athlete get used to “working” for longer periods of time. The duration of intervals will become longer and the change from fast to slow will be strongly emphasized as subtle so there becomes a strong stimulus for aerobic development.
In the Fundamental Phase, fartlek workouts may become a little more prescribed. In part it depends on what distances the runners are training for and even their current strength and weaknesses. If I use the marathon goal as an example I would incorporate up to 5-10k effort, maybe get into some specific pacing goals, for the fast portions, and only as slow as marathon pace/effort for the slower portions. Some quick reasons for this include: Most of us age groupers need the 10km development and this is the phase to do it in, while at the same time we can be touching on our marathon pacing but more importantly getting some lactate buffering development with the 10k efforts building it up and the 1/2 to marathon pacing being fast enough that the body has to find a way to utilize that lactate created. With some proper training, lactate can start to be used as a fuel!!
In the Specific Phase, (again when training for a marathon) I simply use it as a maintenance workout. Maintenance being, touching on that 10km level of work that was built up in the Fundamental phase. I like fartlek because the ultimate focus should be on the marathon specific workouts, they are tough and long now so you do not want other non specific workouts taking away from your ability to nail the big ones. Sometimes getting on a track or running to numbers can easily encourage runners to start “chasing a goal 10km time” which would leave them much more fatigued going into the bigger weekend workouts.

Coaches Trials and Tribulations
We are well under that 8 week window that generally, give or take a week, kicks off one's specific marathon preparation. A smooth story often lends itself to dull story, but I will take that in order to tell a great story post Boston Marathon. One of my biggest changes right from early on was the incorporation of more "work" and tighter pacing in my long runs. This has now made for a an easier adjustment to the specific marathon pacing now incorporated into the longer weekend run workouts and sometimes mixed in with faster intervals during the week. Ive been really focusing on the nutrition on the long runs which has also paid off immensely. I take in so much more calories per hour than I used to when I based it on the old recommendations.
In the back of my head the only things that currently make me nervous is the pre race logistics with the waiting and figuring out nutrition through that time period and clothing based on unknown weather forecasts. Secondly, the long opening downhill stretch. I have no doubt that run carelessly it will completely blow up your race so its been on my mind a lot as I mindfully practice every downhill stride and monitor pacing so my marathon pace is so dialled in that I don't get to carried away over the first 6-8 miles.
This month the biggest tribulation actually had nothing to do with running as I was honoured to have been inducted into the Moose Jaw Warriors Hockey Hall of Fame. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old teammates and friends from 25-30 years ago.
